On Tuesday 9 July at Old Sarum Aerodrome, Taxi Charity committee wives, Anne Parsons and Susy Goodwin, completed their long-awaited tandem skydives with The Red Devils.
The jump was postponed from the original date of 1 May due to low cloud and high winds, resulting in a ten-week delay.
However, the extra time allowed them to gain further funds and they have raised, in total, a staggering £7,000.
Among the well-wishers at Old Sarum were their committee husbands, Ian and Dick, vice president Frances Wyhowska, volunteer driver Mickey Calvey and charity fundraiser, Jennie Flory. Ian and Mickey jumped alongside the daredevil duo.
Their adrenaline-fuelled experience began the second they left the plane at 12,000 feet, free-falling through the clouds at 120 mph for forty-five seconds.
Once through the clouds, the parachute was deployed, allowing these brave ladies to enjoy spectacular views of the Wiltshire countryside as they floated down, landing gently in the drop zone, thanks to the skills of their respective Red Devil.
Susy carried veteran Ted Pieri’s beret. Ted, who passed away in January aged 92, was the first person to do a fundraising skydive for the Taxi Charity and in doing so started a bit of a trend. He was a member of 250 Light Composite Coy. RASC. 1st Airborne.
Anne dedicated her jump to close family friend Major Justin van der Pant late 7 Para RHA. Justin passed away in 2016 at the age of 48. Anne was extremely honoured to jump in his memory and his widow Jennifer said afterwards: "Justin would be proud of you for being so brave and raising all that money. Well done Anne."
Would the ladies do it again?
“Absolutely,” said Susy, who clearly relished the idea of a second jump.
Not so Anne, who despite the amazing experience, announced her immediate retirement from skydiving to pursue non-adrenaline adventures.
Congratulations to Anne and Susy, and to everyone else involved. A huge thank you from everyone at the Taxi Charity.

#reddevils #oldsarum #anneparsons #susygoodwin #ianparsons #michaelcalvey #tedpieri #justinvanderpant