Support Team
In addition to the committee, taxi drivers and collectors, the Taxi Charity is lucky to be assisted by a number of additional support staff.
These people work away behind the scenes and give so generously of their time.
Our volunteer support staff includes:
Susy Goodwin, Graphic Designer & Administrator
Karen Hawes (FCCA), Accountant & GiftAid Administrator
Steve Rouse, First Aider
Theresa Rouse, Nurse
Mylton Burden - Paramedic
Abbie Kennedy - Paramedic
Our paid team members are:
Christina Bowden, PR
Jennie Flory, Fundraising Consultant
Liz Hawkins, Online Support
If you would like to volunteer at the Taxi Charity in any capacity, please contact us.

We would also like to thank all the staff at Millwall Football Club for their continued support with our collections and ongoing use of their facilities.
Also the Royal Hospital Chelsea for their kind support in providing us with meeting room facilities.
And the LTDA for their continued support.