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Veteran Frank Ashleigh visits the children of Cranmore School in Surrey

On Tuesday 26 February, Ian Parsons of the Taxi Charity escorted WWII veteran Frank Ashleigh (Glider Pilot Regiment) to Cranmore School in West Horsley, Surrey, to meet and speak with the children about his wartime experiences and his participation in the Battle of Arnhem.

The visit was the idea of teacher-assistant Jane Barkway Harney, who is also chairperson of the Glider Pilot Regiment Society.

Frank gave two thirty-minute talks after which the pupils (aged between 10 and 12 years) were invited to ask him questions.

Jane was delighted with the pupils' response and range of questions.

She later said:

"The children and staff have not stopped talking about Frank’s visit all day. They are now watching A Bridge Too Far!"

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