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News & Updates

May 4, 2020
Wonderful videos of WWII veterans receiving their RNRMC goodie bags
Here are some lovely videos of Essex-based veterans Ernie Davies, John King, Les Underwood, Dick Edser and Norman Bryant, and Ruby...

May 1, 2020
Taxi Charity delivers more RNRMC goodie bags to veterans
Volunteer drivers from the Taxi Charity delivered more goodie bags to naval veterans in and around London today. The goodie bags - kindly...

May 1, 2020
Taxi Charity delivers RNRMC goodie bags to naval veterans
The Taxi Charity is delighted to be able to deliver wonderful goodie bags to veterans which have been donated by the Royal Navy & Royal...

Apr 22, 2020
Peter Kent says thank you to RNRMC for his birthday gift
Fabulous video from Taxi Charity chairman, Ian Parsons, from when he dropped off a Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity goodie bag to...

Apr 7, 2020
COVID-19 Update from Taxi Charity chairman, Ian Parsons
Taxi Charity chairman, Ian Parsons, explains how volunteer drivers and committee members are helping veterans during the coronavirus...

Mar 4, 2020
Taxi Charity thanks RNRMC for funding veterans trips to Portsmouth
The Taxi Charity would like to say a huge thank you to The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) for their generous grants which...

Nov 3, 2019
WWII veterans interviewed at Imperial War Museum by RNRMC for short film about loneliness
On Friday 1 November, the Taxi Charity escorted four veterans to the Imperial War Museum (IWM) in London to be filmed by the Royal Navy...

May 3, 2019
Taxi Charity returns to Portsmouth, The Cab Driver
Thank you to The Cab Driver newspaper for including an excellent article by the Taxi Charity's Ian Parsons about our recent veterans trip...

Apr 28, 2019
Press coverage summary for Marie Scott and RNRMC veterans trip to Portsmouth
We were delighted to receive some fantastic press coverage for our recent Navy veterans trip to Portsmouth, which was funded and...

Dec 22, 2018
Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity produces wonderful video about the Taxi Charity
Wonderful video about the Taxi Charity - its veterans and volunteer drivers - produced by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity....
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