Hello again all of you wonderful people out there who helped our Taxi Charity to achieve our financial target and enabled us to take our veterans on this trip - The Return of the Liberators (1945 - 2015) - back to Holland to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.
We gathered our veterans, their helpers and supporting volunteers (300 in total) together on Saturday 2 May 2015 from far and wide.
Our 95 marvellous London taxi drivers (all volunteers) collected them from their homes, railway stations, hotels, etc and delivered them to the rendezvous point at Parkeston Railway Club in Harwich, Essex by 6pm.
They all enjoyed hospitality at the club, where we fed, watered and entertained them. We carried out all the passport formalities and cabin allocations for the ship, until it was time to embark onto the ferry.
We loaded 95 vehicles - London taxis, paramedic vehicles and a breakdown truck - and 300 people, and at 11:00pm we set sail for the Hook of Holland.
We all enjoyed the hospitality of Stena Line, with everyone having sleeper cabins for the 8 hour journey across the North Sea. We arrived at 8:00am local time, with a hearty breakfast on board at 7:00am.