Up and at 'em for a hearty breakfast, we then packed our bags ready for the trip home. We assembled outside the hotel for group photographs of the veterans.

The Dutch National Police motorbike outriders arrived to guide us back to the Hook of Holland.
We said farewell to our Dutch friends and at 10:30am we loaded up the taxis once more and the convoy hit the road.
On arrival at the docks, we boarded the ferry. I think everybody was a little tired - we made ourselves comfortable and settled down.
At 3:00pm we gathered on deck for a wreath laying ceremony on water, remembering those lost at sea.
At 5:00pm we had our last meal together before docking at Harwich at 8:00pm.
Below deck, we loaded the taxis one last time and disembarked saying our goodbyes to old friends.
Then our taxi drivers sped us off into the night on our journey to London and home.
On reflection, it was a good trip with lots of memories to share. Great pity about the washed out parade, but like the man said, you cannot win them all. See you all next time round. Stay healthy.
Fast Eddie.